Different alien races pdf

Alien races, grey aliens, and other alien races and species. Download it once and read it on your kindle device, pc, phones or tablets. In a 1998 interview, clifford stone, a retired us army sergeant who served in the us army for 22 years and participated in covert operations to retrieve crashed extraterrestrial ships and extraterrestrial biological entities ebes, revealed there were a total. The rest of their bodies are highly disproportionate. This is a list of alleged extraterrestrial beings that have been reported in close encounters, claimed or speculated to be associated with unidentified flying objects. Top 10 different types of alien species on earth proof. The orions are a greenskinned humanoid species native, as their name indicates, to the orion constellation. This list excludes cases in which only a single member of a species is shown, such. The following section introduces the core racesseven species so common as to be ubiquitous or at least recognized throughout the solar system. Lizardfolk possess an alien and inscrutable mindset, their desires and thoughts driven by a different set of basic principles than those of warmblooded creatures. A unified classification of alien species based on the. Greyskinned humanoids, usually 34 feet tall, bald, with black almondshaped eyes, nostrils without a nose, slits for mouths, no ears and 34 fingers including thumb. Secret russian kgb book of alien races gil carlson on. What did it look like when aliens first came to earth.

Many people have had prophetic warnings about the coming false rapturealien invasion, i have had several myself. It is even said that these aliens interbred with humans. Top 10 different types of alien species on earth proof of. They are responsible for most of the abduction cases in the world and many of the alien implants. Secret russian kgb book of alien species blue planet project 19. Nasa admits it is in contact with alien species and just forgot to mention it a conspiracy site republished a satirical claim that nasa. I posted an in5d article that has some information from wes penre on his viewpoint of identifying good and bad races, called extraterrestrial races. As i have mentioned earlier, alien beings dont speak. Arcturus is one of the most advanced civilizations in this galaxy. A brief introduction to alien races aquarius academy. There are an extensive number of extraterrestrial races known to be currently interacting with earth and the human population. Here, well go over some of the known alien species and races, where theyre from, and pictures and videos of what they look like. This list of fictional extraterrestrial species is subsidiary to the lists of fictional species and is a collection of various notable extraterrestrial species that appear in various works of fiction. Sometimes archaeologists find ancient objects with alien drawings.

A unified classification of alien species based on the magnitude of their environmental impacts tim m. Cetaceans whales and dolphins are the other incarnating alien species that live with us right here on earth, which means that they are not extraterrestrial or not of earth, but they are alien in that they are not humanoid and walk upright and bipedal. Mar 25, 2018 the zeta reticulan extraterrestrial race is described as very similar to the average depiction of a grey alien, but it must be known, that these two races and their agendas are different. Mar 20, 2015 we have had many lives and experiences that we are currently drawing upon. It is limited to wellreferenced examples from literature, film, television, comics, animation and video games. Alien races and descriptions, alien races, varginha ebes. Today well go over some of the proven alien species, where they come from and what they look like. Dante santori, a former special forces sergeant from europe, translated a secret book about aliens from russian to english, capturing the minds of many believers in extraterrestrial life in the process.

Different types of alien beings the traders the travelers other beings the following information has been given to me by several individuals who have been in contact with alien beings for many years, but wish to remain anonymous at this time. Also, there is a pdf version out there in the internet. Secondly, there are many alien races, types and stages described in it. One of the stages used by pope francis i jorge mario bergoglio during his visit to brazil in july 20. In addition to the above, a very interesting video about alien life and alien visitations is the one posted below, where steven macon greer a retired medical doctor and ufologist, founder of the center for the study of extraterrestrial intelligence cseti and the disclosure project speaks of the various types of aliens. First of all this is quite a detailed and compelling world in which you may play many different adventures, not involving any alien creatures at all. The greys are probably the most known alien species because of how often they visit earth. Alien races a to e agharians or aghartians a group of asiatic or nordic humans who, sources claim, discovered a vast system of caverns below the region of the gobi desert and surrounding areas thousands of years ago, and have since established a thriving kingdom within, one which has been interacting with otherplanetary systems up until. The blue skin pleiadian people are exceptionally spiritual, living in peace and. The earth is being visited by a wide variety of different extra terrestrials. We have around 160 different species at our biosphere from several points in the universe.

In our research we have come across many real and not real. The fortunate reader of this book will be imbued with knowledge of alien species, descriptions, their ships and place of origin, as well as information on how alien races have contributed to human evolution here on earth. Et az listing compiled from many sources there are just over 10,000,000 worlds in this universe with similar humanities to our own, this is but a few races who are or have been involved with our life wave for some reason. Hailing from the planet nibiru, they came to earth in order to mine our gold. I dont think theres just the three, just as there are different races of human. Different alien races behind different human races the universe ufos ifos crop circles. Over the course of the last several decades, thousands and thousands of people have come forward with reports of ufo activity all over the world and abductions. The arcturians are usually four to five feet tall with large heads and blue skin. These ancient alien miners were revered as gods by sumerian civilizations.

Standing at up to 22 feet tall these badass beings are made up of pure muscle and resembled dinosaurs or dragons. Steven greer reveals different types of aliens known to. Many abduction cases often depict several different species in one abduction. Possibly one of the most revealing and controversial documents originating from russia has now been. In a 1998 interview, clifford stone, a retired us army sergeant who served in the us army for 22 years and participated in covert operations to retrieve crashed extraterrestrial ships and extraterrestrial biological entities ebes, revealed there were a total of 57. There are a number of alien races that have only one variant, but the grays are not one of them. Alien races, grey aliens, and other alien races and species there are in my opinion several alien races, we probably cant count the number. They range from midgets to giants, godlike humans to bizarre monsters.

One are the grays, and the other is from the planet heaven. The book of alien races kindle edition by petro, dante and, races, alien, aliens, ancient, files, ufo, books, ufo, species, anunnaki, extraterrestrials. Those who report having been abducted say that there are three main types, or species, of aliens. The alien archive is the first starfinder monster book.

A genetic and evolutionary perspective race is generally used as a synonym for subspecies, which traditionally is a geographically circumscribed, genetically differentiated population. Russian secret alien races book pdf download race book. The book is titled, introduction to the alien races book. In recorded history we see some peculiar facts emerge. A brief incursion into any one of timothy goods excellent books will soon lead one to an unmistakable conclusion. Agharians or aghartians a group of asiatic or nordic humans who, sources claim, discovered a vast system of caverns below the region of the gobi desert and surrounding areas thousands of years ago, and have since established a thriving kingdom within, one which has been interacting with otherplanetary systems up until current. It appears that caucasians appeared in the caucasian area. A brief introduction to alien races aquarius academy medium. Most civilizations believed them to be royalty, and in some cases, divinity. Apr 08, 2015 many thousands of people have reported witnessing ufo activity and contact with aliens. From what i have seen many millions are going to fall for it when it happens. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading ancient aliens. Three of the most influential alien species on earth.

All races on this planet were seeded by different races of. Introduction to invasive alien species distribution. These races have been protecting earth and humans for as long as there are alien records of it. Secret alien races book translated into english the book is believed to have been written around 194647, with constant additions and revisions over the years.

All races on this planet were seeded by different races of aliens. Greyskinned humanoids, usually 34 feet tall, hairless, with large heads, black almondshaped eyes, nostrils without a nose, slits for mouths, no ears and 34 fingers including thumb. The anunnaki was one of the alien races in contact with earth are were not the first race involved in the racket of mining minerals on our little blue planet. Human dimensions of invasive alien species in philosophical. The seven alien races mainstream news different types of alien beings hollow earth.

Top 10 different types of alien species on earth 032016 09052019 kim jones sighting of aliens have been reported by hundreds of people over the last one hundred years from different parts of the world. Different alien races behind different human races david. In a world without the matrix and duality, we could easily imagine seeing ourselves side by side with an array of different beings not unlike the cantina bar in the movie star wars. As the universe is incredibly large, however from the evidence here on earth we can identify some of the alien races. Very little is known about the five alien races that are part of the council of 5. Alien cicatrix 2 pdf alien cicatrix part 01 of 06 the alien races. How many races of aliens exist and interact with humans now. Some have mushroomwhite skin, others with brown and even others with black skin. To begin, it is necessary for people everywhere to understand that humanity is emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. An alien race reported that the council of 5 last met on earth in 1944.

The zeta reticulan extraterrestrial race is described as very similar to the average depiction of a grey alien, but it must be known, that these two races and their agendas are different. There are several different extraterrestrial races in marvel comics universe. Alien rpg core rulebook free league publishing alien. Sirians and andromedians are malevolent, while arcturians, nordics, and amazons, and all pleaidian races are benevolent. Please address all questions, comments and requests for information to. Dante did all of the translations with his friend petro, who later sadly lost his life in a car crash. Greys have been the predominant extraterrestrial beings of alleged alien contact since the 1960s. Jun, 2016 many people have had prophetic warnings about the coming false rapture alien invasion, i have had several myself. The extraterrestrial presence in the world today alien. This is a pretty good picture of an alien lying on what appears to be a hospital bed. This book outlines key information on 58 alien species, along with case summaries, rumors, quotes, and intel from alien contacts, a message to humanity from the races ramay and jefok pages 170181 about the creative force of the universe consistently referred to as she by all alien races unanimously, despite their other differences. Their have been many discussions in the past about how many different alien species their are in the universe. Your world is being visited by several alien races and by several different organizations of races.

This document was uploaded by user and they confirmed that they. B that lists 58 different alien races visiting earth. The body is in a pretty strange position like it was just thrown onto the bed recklessly, but the main thing we noticed were the feet and toes of the creature and how similar they appear to be to our own yet still different. A standard grey that often has hair, a more ethereal looking taller humanesque species, and ones who are almost heavenly. T hese are just a few races that make up our galactic family. This thread is here to completely avoid racism, but to have an intelligent conversation about the possibility that different races were seeded here by other worldly intelligence, and or are actual alien settlements. There are many different types of alien races in the universe that visit or have visited our planet. The reptilian race is the other extraterrestrial race that is most negative, destructive, and evil in their intent. There is no reason why the dna or rna molecule cannot have a leftspin isomer. Grays can be found from one foot to even seven foot. A high percentage of these have included reports of pilots, occupants and socalled ufonauts.

Synonymous terms such as nonnative species or nonindigenous species are more precise and should be used in preference to terms as introduced, exotic, feral. Sometimes traits show independent patterns of geographical variation such that some combination will distinguish most populations from all others. Clifford stone reports that the united states government has documented over 50 alien species that have come to our earth, i believe i have. The introduction to the alien races book mentions a. Experts claim there are 3 hostile alien species visiting earth. They also have scales which makes their skin water proof. The galactic council is the assembly of numerous leaders of different alien empires across the universe including other dimensions like asgard or the negative zone created to deal with different matters of the universe. The vast majority are humanoid in structure galactic council. These types of aliens are believed to be the most ancient race of the entire milky way galaxy and they are considered to be very intelligent, experienced and innovative. From the ferengi to the gorn, find out which star trek aliens stand out from the crowd. Agharians or aghartians a group of asiatic or nordic humans who, sources claim, discovered a vast system of caverns below the region of the gobi desert and surrounding areas thousands of years ago, and have since established a thriving kingdom within, one which has been interacting with otherplanetary systems up until current times. Angels and ets are sometimes the same thing, 2 different words for the same amazing lifeform. Although gms would be the natural audience for a book like this, players can get a lot out of it as well because no less than 21 of the creature entries have rules for running them as pcs. The orion civilization was one of the very few that evolved into a state of.

Hellyer makes the jawdropping claim that there are more than 82. Alien races and their descriptions, inner earth, multidimensional and off world aliens described by mary sutherland although sgt. Alien conspiracy theorists rank hellyer among the most reputable and reliable sources of information about extraterrestrial species that are allegedly in contact with earth. These are the different types of alien races most commonly reported. Ultimate alien anthology is a supplement to the star wars roleplaying game published by wizards of the coast. You will also discover the negative aspects and possible intentions of some alien races. These extraterrestrials are human in shape, however, have reptilian type faces. Top secret government programs that your not supposed to. Their external appearance is similar to humans, except for the skin colour, which can range from pale to dark green and, in some cases, greenish blue. Jan 02, 2017 there are several races that do so and for a reason.

While not all races are appropriate for player characters, many of them are. Different known alien species and races alienuforesearch. We talk now about the other five alien races that stayed much longer than any other race and have much more influence during our history. A guide to earths extraterrestrial races by michelle walling, chlc staff writer, lately we have had to focus on the negative aliens of the draco species as well their negative grays and reptilians consorts in order to expose the matrix agenda. Nov 06, 2018 there are three basic types of possible aliens. First printing july 2005 second printing january 2006 printed in the united states of america.

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